Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Genome map

This genome map is a tool for scientist to help better track and understand an organisms genes and can provide insight into what makes it work. as well as possibly identifying which genes control what traits to better fight disease and abnormalities 

Isometric City Maps


This isometric city skyline map uses 3d technology to place buildings on a map that can than be viewed from a certain degree from above. You can find this type of city view in most video games and even on google earth. They provide an interesting perspective about the urban environment that is hard to display on flat maps.

3d view types

These different view types are ways of looking at 3d mapped projections. it is very useful to be able to switch between a wire frame object to a solid material rendering of what the shape will look like. 

Word Tree

This word tree selects words and phrases and automatically shows selections that follow those words in a text . this can be used to spot trends and themes in a text. 

Thematic Maps

This thematic map of south Africa focuses on labeling regions of the country that are prone to erosion. This specific geographical area is being rated on its erosion qualities giving it that certain theme.

Dot Distribution Maps


I choose to use this map of England and Whales with dots plotted each representing an iron age fort. This type of map visually displays the frequency in which a certain variable is present. 

Proportional Circle Map


This proportional circle maps shows traffic fatalities in the US by increasing the size of the circle relative to the amount of deaths. For example it can be easy to conclude from the map that there were more deaths in Florida in 2009 than in Colorado. 

Statistical Map


This statistical map compares the number of abortions  per state in the US. It uses colors to portray a certain number of abortions in a given range. There are many different kinds of statistical maps depending on the data you want to represent. 

Climbing Route Map


This is what is referred to by climbers as a topo route guide. Instead of using contour lines however it uses a 2d representation of the path needed to take along the rock in a vertical direction. It often lists distances between anchors and takes into consideration of any special gear needed for that specific route. Paired with a real picture overlay-ed with a line showing the route a climber will know exactly the way to go.

Planimetric Map

This planimetric map does not take in account elevation but is only a horizontal representation of a proposed highway by planned. These colored lines just distinguish what will go where and give a picture of the basic project.